Pameran Sirih Pulang Ke Gagang

*Bertempat di Rumah Kapten Speedy, Muzium Matang, Perak.
*Tarikh : 11 Mei- 11 Julai 2011
*Masa Lawatan : 9am - 5pm

Catatan Perjalanan ke Muzium Tentera Darat

Pada 4 Jun 2011 lalu, PHC telah menjejakkan kaki ke Muzium Tentera Darat di Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. Ia merupakan sebuah perjalanan kami yang panjang ke negeri beradat ini. Untuk ke sini, kami perlu ke Kuala Lumpur terlebih dahulu dan menaiki bas ke Seremban lalu ke Port Dickson. Muzium ini terletak berdekatan dengan pantai Bagan Pinang dan Kem Si Rusa.

Pada asalnya bangunan muzium ini merupakan sebahagian bangunan lama Pusat Latihan Tentera Darat yang dibina pada era 1930an. Muzium ini telah dibuka secara rasmi pada 28 Jun 2005 oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong ke-XII. Kini Muzium Tentera Darat tersengam kukuh bersendikan semangat perjuangan pahlawan-pahlawan terdahulu dan semasa untuk dihayati oleh semua.

Bergambar di depan Bren-gun carries yang satu-satunya masih terdapat di Asia Tenggara. Kenderaan ini telah digunakan oleh tentera British semasa Perang Dunia Kedua 1941-1942. Di perkarangan muzium ini, dipamerkan pelbagai peralatan tentera seperti meriam, kereta api, pesawat A4 Skyhawk, Ceribou dan kereta perisai.

Diorama suasana hutan belantara dan markas perkhemahan pengganas komunis semasa era darurat 1948-1989 yang dipaparkan di Galeri Era Kemerdekaan. Muzium ini mempunyai 16 segmen seperti Tentera Darat Sepintas Lalu, Era Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, Era Portugis & Belanda, Era Kolonial British, Penubuhan Askar Melayu, Era Pra-kemerdekaan, Era Kemerdekaan, Tentera Darat Hari Ini, Sumbangan Tentera Darat, Panglima ATM dan Terowong Bawah Tanah PKM.

Kunjungan ke muzium sungguh menarik kerana terdapat banyak artifak sejarah ketenteraan negara sejak zaman penubuhan tentera darat pada tahun 1933 hingga kini dipamerkan.

Green Ridge a battlefield of history

The World War 2 certainly had a devastating effect on many countries. Malaya or also known as Malaysia now was not spared from the war as British and Japan fought hard to conquer Malaya. Malayans had to endure years of misery due to the war between the allied and the axis.

The British who were the colonial rulers of Malaya were threatened by the emergence of Japan. The British were given a rude shock when the Japanese forces managed to penetrate into Malaya. The sheer determination and respect for their emperor caught the British off guard.

During the World War, one battle took place in Malaysia and it was well documented by war researchers around the world. The Battle of Kampar has been the bread and butter for historians such as Harcharand Singh Bedi and Chye Kooi Leong .

The veteran who has made Battle of Kampar known by everyone is Chye Kooi Leong. Chye Kooi Long, a well versed historian has nearly spent half his life for Green Ridge to be recognized and preserved as a War Memorial Park.

The 82 year old has made the state government take notice of his efforts. Menteri Besar of Perak, Datuk Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir have appreciated his efforts and have stated that the state government is making plans to turn Green Ridge into a War Memorial Park.

Thanks to Chye’s efforts, the state government is beginning to recognize the worth of the former battlefield. Chye’s effort to ensure that the public knows about the importance of Green Ridge has paid off.

Green Ridge is a site that overlooks Kampar. The ridge, which is together with the nearby Thompson and Cemetery Ridge, overlooks over the main road to the south from Ipoh and it has a great strategic value. The battlefield has gun emplacements, mortar pits, artillery observation posts and communication trenches.

After so many years, it is a surprise to see many of these placements can still be easily found in the dense forest. These ridges are famous thanks to British resurgence in overcoming the momentous Japanese forces who caught the British off guard in many battles.

The battle which lasted from December 30th 1941 till June 2nd 1942 saw the Malayan Campaign, involving British and Indian troops from the 11th Indian Infantry and the Japanese 5th Division forces. The objective of British was to slow the Japanese troops advance to the Kampar region.

On December 27th, in an effort to prevent the capture of RAF Kuala Lumpur, the 11th Indian Infantry Division converged in Kampar, which has a strong natural defensive position which gives them an advantage against the resurgent Japanese troops. In doing so they were also tasked with delaying the advancing Japanese troops long enough to allow the 9th Indian Infantry Division to withdraw from the east coast.

The Japanese intended to capture Kampar as a New Year’s gift to Emperor Hirohito and on December 30th the Japanese began surrounding the British and Indian positions. The following day fighting commenced.

Nevertheless, the Allied forces were able to hold on for four days before withdrawing on January 2nd 1942, having achieved their objective of slowing the Japanese advance.

It was estimated that 650 soldiers died during that battle and noted historian Harcharand Singh Bedi stated that the Indian Infantry comprising the Sikhs and British were attributed with strength and determination thanks to their efforts in halting the Japanese movements.

Harcharand Sing Bedi and Chye Kooi Leong are making great strides and with the state government taking note on the importance of green ridge, this kind of developments can increase the public’s awareness on the efforts made by the soldiers in freeing Malaya from the atrocities of the Japanese insurgency.

Istiadat Mengarak Panji-panji Yang Dipertuan Agong

4 Jun setiap tahun sering disambut sebagai Hari Ulang Tahun Keputeraan Yang Dipertuan Agong. Sempena sambutan tersebut, salah satu acara wajib diadakan ialah Istiadat Mengarak Panji-panji Yang Dipertuan Agong di Dataran Merdeka.

Sebelum bercerita panjang, kita tinjau dahulu sejarah Panji-panji Yang Dipertuan Agong. Panji-panji atau 'Colour' dalam bahasa Inggeris merupakan lambang kemegahan sesebuah negara atau kerajaan. Ia tidak boleh dibiarkan jatuh ke bumi dan harus dipertahankan hingga titisan darah terakhir.

Di Malaysia, terdapat lima Panji-panji yang dikurniakan oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong kepada pasukan tentera iaitu Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja, Rejimen Renjer Diraja, Kor Armor Diraja, Tentera Laut Diraja dan Tentera Udara Diraja. Pengurniaannya adalah berdasarkan jasa dan bakti perjuangan yang ditunjukkan oleh pasukan tersebut terhadap negara.

Kisah Dua Sahabat di Zoo Taiping 2011

Pada 13 April 2011, tersebutlah kisah dua orang sahabat tiba-tiba pergi ke Taiping melawat Zoo Taiping iaitu zoo tertua dan pertama di Malaysia. Zoo ini begitu unik kerana landskapnya adalah asli sejak ia diwujudkan dan begitu indah kerana terletak di dalam kawasan Taman Tasik Taiping. Bayaran masuk ke zoo ini ialah RM10 sahaja.

Masa kami pergi ini tidak ramai orang sebab orang tak cuti macam kami ini..hehe.. Jadi boleh ler kami tengok haiwan tu puas-puas..Cuma ada juga budak-budak tadika melawat zoo macam kami..

Masa jalan-jalan keliling tengok haiwan-haiwan di zoo, tiba-tiba hujan.. Apa lagi main hujanlah jawabnya.. Tapi memang seronok.. Lepas hujan, udara di sini segar je dan tambah lagi bersiar-siar di Taman Tasik.. Taiping, Di sini tersimpan memori sebuah persahabatan..